Somethings To Know

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Graduated from FIDM in December 2010 with a Graphic Design degree. Currently living in San Pedro California. I am random and fun. Love bright colors.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Black Widow Wear Logos.

Word with spider image #1.  I chose black and red mainly to represent the colors of the Black Widow Spider. The type face I chose to use is very bold and balances out the delicateness of the spider placed in the word itself.  I chose to make the words red to help stand it out from the black background and to make the spider stand out from the red letters.
Word with spider image #2.  I chose to use the spider as the negative white to help stand it out from the black background.  The type face I chose to use because it gave a feel of being web like.  I colored the "i" in red to represent the hour glass or dot image of the underbelly of the spider.  

Letter and spider image.  I chose the type face because the Black Widow Spider is very elegant in movement and bold in the same way and I chose the type to represent that.  I outlined the "W" in red to incorporate the red color of the spider.  The spider image I placed to look like it was crawling on the letter to interact them. 

Letter.  I wanted to use the spider somehow in this letter image and after playing around with it I came up with placing its back end where the curve of the "W" meet.  I broke up the letter with the spiders legs to make it more dramatic and different.  The colors of the black and red represent the spiders colors.  The red I chose to break up the areas where the legs separated the "W" to make it stand out.

Spider image.  I wanted to incorporate the "W" some how with out it being up front and center.  I took the letter and made it red and set it in the background and changed the way it looked to where it almost had a ghost like feel just floating in the background of the image.  The spider I made black and dominate in the foreground so you see the image of the spider first and then when look hard enough you see the letter behind it barely visible. 

Word.  I chose to use this kind of type face to represent the Black Widow Spider's web.  Its not perfect but its still elegant to look at.  The "i" is colored red to represent the color of the underbelly of the spider.  


  1. A bit of a statement about each logo would be good - edit the existing blog and just drop in a note or 2 please

  2. Animal: Black widow – clothing company. You obviously have a great graphic sensibility and have done several roughs that allow you to work thorough your designs
    LOGOS: Art shared 10/20/11 5
    Image: Good rough background with a bold graphic image! You went through a great deal of roughs to get where you wanted to go and it pays off! Your use of line and line variety gives a sense of 3dimensionality. But , I am not sure about the one leg pointing straight down in the middle of the graphic.
    Image and Word: What an excellent amount of hard work and it pays off - congratulations
    a. The use of negative space is excellent on the header. The black background sucks in the words then pushes out the spider, while “The “ sits precariously o top of the word.
    b. Changing the color of the “I” references the Black widow and becomes a shifting focal point. The letters are now working they are filling up the shape, in a way that reflects the black widow web, offering line variety and movement. Essentially good lines to make the words, - just a little problematic where the shape of the spider overlaps the “W” and the shape of the “D” variety. Perhaps a little hard to read is what was mentioned – but clarity can be got from changing the shape of those few letters. Why the shape of the black box? I wonder what it would look like with a black spider in full shape?
    Letter: a. Very bold and graphic – your use of negative space works well. Very symbolic. The way you changed the color of the letter on the right is stunning, because it emphasizes the white spider shape, use of line verses shape and give a sense of movement around the object.
    b. Looking at this printed the image feels like a bad 3D attempt – I am not sure if that is intentional and know that it has to do with the way the red frames the “W”. There is a beauty between the angular spider legs and the flowing cursive w – perhaps the spider just need to be in red to get the outline to flow better?
    Word: Your choice of type is good but not well executed. The negative space between the words is problematic, but the red “I” is reflective of the animal - does not need to be outlined. You took an idea and put it into the words. An interesting fact is that JQ mentioned that with English as a second language it is difficult to read. Perhaps the last w could tuck under the black text.
